Bitcoinization: JPMorgan Notes ‘Similarly Situated’ Countries Could Make Bitcoin Legal Tender Like El Salvador

JPMorgan struggles to “see any tangible economic benefits associated with adopting bitcoin as a second form of legal tender.” Commenting on El Salvador’s bitcoinization, JPMorgan did not rule out that the country’s move to make the cryptocurrency legal tender may be “the beginning of a broader trend among similarly situated, smaller nations.” JPMorgan’s Opinion on…

Stock-to-Flow Creator Says ‘$288K Still in Play,’ Mike McGlone Sees an ‘Ace up Bitcoin’s Sleeve’

The popular Twitter account and creator of the bitcoin stock-to-flow (S2F) price model explained that “$288K [is] still in play.” Meanwhile, data from the exchange Deribit shows there’s 425 bitcoin call options with a strike price of $200K set for December 31, 2021. Plan B Says: ‘$288K Still in Play’ On June 12, 2021, while…

FBI Seizes 800 Beverly Hills Safety Deposit Boxes With $86M, Attorneys Claim Fed’s Raid ‘Unconstitutional’

The Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) is under fire for an alleged unconstitutional seizure of 800 safety deposit boxes in Beverly Hills. According to reports, the FBI confiscated $86 million in cash, jewelry, and thousands of gold and silver bars. Box holders and their lawyers are calling out the federal law enforcement agency for lacking sufficient…