CFTC Commissioner Opposes Regulation by Enforcement, Says Crypto Needs Clearer Rules

A commissioner with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), Dawn Stump, has voiced concerns about cryptocurrency regulation through enforcement — the approach taken by both the CFTC and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). CFTC Commissioner Stump on Crypto Regulation CFTC Commissioner Dawn Stump has raised concerns regarding the approach her agency and the…

Reddit Introduces ETH-Based Community Points Beta Program With Custom Tokens for Subreddits

The popular forum and news aggregation web portal Reddit has revealed the firm’s Community Points beta program where Reddit users can “own a piece” of their community with “custom tokens” for subreddits. Blockchain-Backed Reddit Community Points: ‘The First Step Towards a Different Future for Online Communities’ At the end of July, Reddit announced that the…

Central Banks of France, Switzerland and BIS Complete Cross-Border CBDC Trial

Bank of France, the Swiss National Bank (SNB), and the Bank for International Settlements have successfully tested the application of wholesale central bank digital currency in cross-border payments. The project used distributed ledger technology and was realized with help from private firms. France and Switzerland Explore Direct Transfer of Euro, Swiss Franc Wholesale Digital Currencies…

Pepsi-Cola Celebrates the Soft Drink’s Birth Year With 1,893 Generative NFTs

The carbonated soft drink manufacturer Pepsi has revealed the company is stepping into the world of blockchain with its first collection of non-fungible token (NFT) assets. Pepsi introduced the “Pepsi Mic Drop” genesis NFT collection on Thursday, which features 1,893 generative NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. Pepsi aims to create a real-time community of NFT…

CIA Working on Various Crypto-Focused Projects, Director Confirms

The director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has revealed that the agency is working on a number of cryptocurrency-focused projects. Cryptocurrencies “could have enormous impact on everything from ransomware attacks,” he said. CIA Has Been Working on Various Crypto Projects CIA Director William Burns revealed Monday at the Wall Street Journal’s CEO Summit…

Iceland Refuses to Power New Bitcoin Farms Amid Electricity Shortages

Cryptocurrency mining is among several energy-intensive industries hurt by a power deficit in Iceland. The country’s main utility is now rejecting requests to connect new coin minting facilities to the grid, after cutting supply to aluminum smelters and fish factories. Iceland Turns Away New Crypto Miners to Deal With Lack of Energy Iceland’s largest utility,…