When miners reach block #12965000, Ethereum will fork. Around the 4th or 5th of August, that block will be achieved. The Ethereum blockchain is currently at block 129512300, indicating that there are less than 20,000 blocks till the London hardfork occurs on the network. What is EIP-1559 and how does it change Ethereum? The Ethereum…
Indian Government Clarifies Status of Cryptocurrency Trading, Regulation, Investor Protection
India’s Ministry of Finance has answered some questions regarding the status of cryptocurrency trading in the country as well as crypto regulation and investor protection. The minister of state for the finance ministry has indicated that the recommendations in the draft bill proposed by the interministerial committee are still being considered. Indian Government Answers Crypto…
Cryptopunk Owner Hopes to Sell Punk for $91 Million — Pixelated NFT Punks Outshine the Competition
While traditional crypto assets have seen market sentiment drop to a level of uncertainty, non-fungible token (NFT) assets have continued to sell in the millions. One project developed by Larva Labs called Cryptopunks has seen some of its NFTs sell for millions and on May 11, a collection of nine Cryptopunks sold for $16.9 million…
Nodeseeds Launches Three-Tier Membership to Ensure Transparency and Fair Allocation of Projects
PRESS RELEASE. Blockchain venture capitalist firm Nodeseeds has announced the launch of a three-tier membership system to democratize its investment process. Nodeseeds revealed further details in a blog post on its medium page. Fair Allocation Tier System According to the post, Nodeseeds stated that the tiers were designed to ensure fair allocation of bonuses to…
Bank of America Sees Benefits in Adopting Bitcoin as Legal Tender in El Salvador
Bank of America has outlined some benefits to be had from adopting bitcoin as legal tender in El Salvador. The opportunities include low-cost remittances, financial digitization, more choices, and greater investments from foreign companies. Bank of America Highlights Opportunities Bitcoin Brings to El Salvador as Legal Tender Bank of America (BOA) outlined some potential benefits…
US Senator Says Crypto Tax in Infrastructure Bill Is ‘Unworkable,’ Plans to Offer Amendment to Fix It
Several U.S. lawmakers have spoken up against the cryptocurrency tax provision in the $1 trillion infrastructure bill. While the bill has been revised from last week’s version, the text is still “unworkable,” according to Senator Pat Toomey. “I plan to offer an amendment to fix it.” Other lawmakers, including Sen. Ron Wyden, Rep. Warren Davidson,…