Most investors want to make investments that will provide them with high returns as quickly as possible while minimizing the risk of losing their principal. This is why many people are always on the lookout for top investment plans that will allow them to double their money in a matter of months or years with…
How to Invest in Share Market?

Share Market can be an important component of your investment portfolio. Investing in various companies can help you build your savings, protect your money from inflation and taxes, and maximize your return on investment. Today, there is a wide range of investment options. However, with falling interest rates, the average Indian is frequently puzzled about…
How to Invest in Gold?

People have kept gold for a variety of reasons and “how to invest in Gold” is considered as one of the best savings for the future. Societies, and now economies, have assigned a monetary value to gold, thereby perpetuating its value. It is the metal we turn to when other forms of currency fail, so…
Indian Government response to cryptocurrency!

Nirmala Sitharaman, the Finance Minister, has hinted that the Centre might not impose a blanket ban on digital currencies in the country.
Become a Secret Santa and Giveaway Christmas Gift Free Bitcoins

Santa has completed his Quarantine for Christmas and invited applications for Secret Santa at BuyUcoin. Spread the Word, by sharing your referral code and giveaway Christmas gift free Bitcoins to your friends and family, after all, Christmas is about sharing love and Bitcoins. Santa is distributing Christmas gift 1 BTC to all our Secret Santas…
Bitcoin Price Tops $24K, Setting New All-Time High

Bitcoin Price cut through $24,000 Saturday afternoon, setting a new record high as the leading cryptocurrency’s ongoing rally continues through the weekend before Christmas. The price of the leading cryptocurrency continued its recent torrid run, setting a new all-time high of $24,122.67 before falling back to $23,978.86, up 5.49% on the day. The record price…