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Check the Latest Price of Beldex in India Today on BuyUcoin

Beldex Price BDX-INR

₹ 6.35

Current Price

Beldex Price Chart in INR

  • Day
  • Week
  • Month

Last Price ▲ 0.04 %

₹ 6.35

24h High

₹ 6.44 

24h Low

₹ 6.3

24h Vol

₹ 331124536

1 BDX to INR

Instant Buy

Current Price of 1 BDX = 600,000 INR
For 100 INR you will get = 0.00045 BDX

Beldex Price History in INR

  • Day
  • Week
  • Month
Time Price in INR Change in %
25-03-2025 ₹ 7 +7.53%
19-03-2025 ₹ 6.51 0.00%
25-02-2025 ₹ 6.51 -0.08%
20-02-2025 ₹ 6.515 -2.03%
16-02-2025 ₹ 6.65 -2.06%
13-02-2025 ₹ 6.79 -60.06%
23-01-2025 ₹ 17 0
Time Price in INR Change in %
25-03-2025 ₹ 7 +7.53%
19-03-2025 ₹ 6.51 0.00%
25-02-2025 ₹ 6.51 -0.76%
20-02-2025 ₹ 6.56 -3.39%
13-02-2025 ₹ 6.79 -40.96%
23-01-2025 ₹ 11.5 +66.91%
07-01-2025 ₹ 6.89 0
Time Price in INR Change in %
03-2025 ₹ 6.755 +2.41%
02-2025 ₹ 6.596 -33.80%
01-2025 ₹ 9.963 +107.87%
12-2024 ₹ 4.793 +8.32%
11-2024 ₹ 4.425 +2.31%
10-2024 ₹ 4.325 +15.33%
09-2024 ₹ 3.75 0

About Beldex (BDX)

Market Cap Rank


Beldex can be a hybrid exchange of cryptocurrencies that is completely safe and personal. The Beldex coin (BDX), which may be a fork of Monero, creates anonymous trading. Our prime objective is to provide a secure environment where users can exchange peer-to - peer without compromising privacy.

Although intermediaries disappear from crypto, it is used to monitor their transactions for ease of access. Although not all cryptocurrencies are anonymous altogether. For a coin that provides better privacy than Monero, there is a prerequisite. Beldex aims to fulfil this need. Of the few exchanges that use a privacy coin as an in-house token, the Beldex exchange is one.

The goal of BELDEX is to make it possible for a good demographic of people to benefit from the advances that digital money makes today. Our goal is to put cryptocurrency in the hands of people who can make it as easy to use as the other form of exchange that can benefit the most from using it.

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Beldex (BDX) Price Prediction

Beldex Price Today in India is ₹ 6.35 with a 24-hour trading volume of ₹33,11,24,536. In the last 24 hours, BDX-INR price has increased by 0.04%. Beldex CoinMarketCap rank is 147. The circulation supply of Beldex is 6,91,45,70,344.615406BDX coins, with maximum circulating supply being unlimited.

Beldex price in India (BDX to INR) in November 2018

In November 2018, the opening price of Beldex was Rs. 4.68 INR and volume available for Indian crypto traders Rs. 1,617,813 INR.

Beldex price in India (BDX to INR) in Dec 2018

In December 2018, the price of Beldex was Rs. 8.62 INR and volume for Indian crypto traders 1,420,09. INR.

Beldex Coin price in India (BDX to INR) in Jan 2019

In January 2019, the price of BDX was Rs. 8.27 INR and volume available for crypto traders Rs. 2,663,550 Inr.

Beldex Coin price in India (BDX to INR) in Dec 2019

And In December 2019, the price of Beldex Coin was Rs. 7.74 INR and volume for cryptocurrency traders Rs. 52,202,760 INR.

Beldex Token price in India (BDX to INR) in Jan 2020

In January 2020, the price of Beldex Coin (BDX) was Rs. 7.68 INR and volume Indian cryptocurrency traders Rs. 23,601,256.

Beldex Token price in India (BDX to INR) in Oct 2020

In October 2020, the price of Beldex Token (BDX) is Rs. 6.33 INR and volume for Indian traders Rs. 28,235,413 INR.

Beldex Features

Untraceable Roots - Like Monero which uses RingCT, Beldex too uses RingCT network type but higher size of RingCT.

Conditional Transactions - Transaction will be done only if the specified conditions are met.

Airdrop - If an individual, stake a certain amount of crypto in the wallet they get a specific amount of interest in terms of the same coins.

Trustworthy - If owner reports fraudulence and the suspected receiver is unable to justify the transaction, that particular transaction alone is revertible by the decision of the review tribunal

BASIC PARAMETERS - Beldex difficulty target(blocktime): 120 Seconds Difficulty Algorithm: Zawy LWMA Hashing Algorithm: Cryptonight Conceal Elliptic curve: Curve25519

MASTER NODES Although Beldex implements novel changes on top of the CryptoNote protocol, much of Beldex’s networking functionality and scalability is enabled by a set of incentivised nodes called Master Nodes. To operate a Master Node, an operator time-locks a significant amount of Beldex and provides a minimum level of bandwidth and storage to the network. In return for their services, Beldex Master Node operators receive a portion of the block reward from each block.

BLOCK REWARD Distribution of block rewards in Beldex is conducted through proof-of-work, a robust and well studied system for the creation of blocks and the ordering of transactions. Miners collect and write transactions into blocks and collect fees for doing so. As a consensus rule in Beldex, each block contains multiple reward outputs of which only one goes to the miner. The Beldex block reward is set to a constant value as 2 BDX.

Mining Reward: As well as collecting transaction fees, 10% of the block reward is awarded to the miner that constructs the block

Should I Buy Beldex in India with BuyUcoin?

BuyUcoin users can buy and sell Beldex through various payment methods we provide. It’s quick, simple, and safe. BuyUcoin is an exchange platform where consumers can swap digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Shiba Inu, Dogecoin and over 150 other cryptocurrencies. In addition, when you sign up, you will be rewarded with free Bitcoin worth INR 100.

BuyUcoin, which has over 1M+ registered users, provides a comprehensive range of options that allow users to buy, sell, trade and store cryptocurrencies at a low price in India. Start trading now to receive INR100 worth of free Beldex after registering.

1 BDX to INR

Instant Buy

Current Price of 1 BDX = 600,000 INR
For 100 INR you will get = 0.00045 BDX

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