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Listing and Delisting Policy For Cryptocurrency

Last Updated on: 01/02/2025

About Listing/Delisting Policy for Coins

As a measure of self-governance ,  BuyUcoin‘s Listing / delisting policy (“The Policy '') outlines a broad framework of criteria / principles / procedure applicable in listing / delisting of coin.


  • To safeguard the interests of BuyUcoin, its investors and its users by listing only legitimate coins.

  • To provide a safe trading environment to the users of BuyUcoin.

  • To provide clear and transparent listing /delisting criteria , principles and procedure of proposed or listed coins on BuyUcoin Platform.

Listing of Cryptocurrency - Procedure

At BuyUcoin we are on our toes to onboard promising and exciting crypto projects. For this we have devised a listing procedure. It starts when BuyUcoin selects a Coin proposed by a Coin issuer or any BuyUcoin user by submitting listing requests. To submit a listing request, the project has to fill a  BuyUcoin ‘s Coin Listing Request. The Legal Team with Marketing Team conducts internal due diligence, Kyc compliance, market analysis and other applicable processes for evaluation of listing requests. In both cases, Both the Teams reserves the right to approve or reject the listing of coins. If it approves the listing it will inform the users of the platform within a reasonable time.

Evaluation Criteria for listing of coin

  • Credibility of Coin issuer in Crypto industry and relevant trade associations.

  • Assessment of business and team of Coin issuer

  • Innovation involved in Coin.

  • Market capitalisation of Coin

  • Trading volume of Coin

  • Liquidity of Coin.

  • Marketing flexibility to BuyUcoin post listing.

  • Legal compliance (including but not limited to tax laws, fiscal laws , etc ) to Coin and Coin issuers.

  • Project’s geographic location and its implication on AML and other policies of the Company.

  • Security testing and indemnity – pre and post listing.

  • Openness, distribution and transparency of the ledger

  • Developer Community and open code.

  • Any other technical, financial, and business criteria which deem fit.

Delisting of Cryptocurrency - Procedure

1. Delisting Criteria:

The method for Voluntary Delisting or Delisting a Token that is listed shall be as per the internal processes/guidelines adopted by BuyUCoin from time to time. Prior to deciding on the Delisting of a Token from the Platform, BuyUCoin considers the following factors (this list is not exhaustive, and BuyUCoin reserves the right to amend and add to it):

1.1 Voluntary Delisting:

For Voluntary Listings, if the Listing Partner wishes to delist its Token, the Listing Partner shall raise a request via email to the exchange operations team at [email protected]. The request must originate from the official email ID of the Token and provide detailed reasons for such Voluntary Delisting.

1.2 Delisting by Partner Exchanges:

BuyUCoin may delist a Token if BuyUCoin’s partner exchange (any exchange/platform with whom BuyUCoin has a business arrangement) delists the Token/Token pairs on its platform.

1.3 Regulatory Issues:

Delisting of a Token may be carried out in compliance with various rules and regulations to uphold the law of the land.

1.4 Project Bankruptcy or Suspected Bankruptcy of the Listing Partner Issuing the Token:

BuyUCoin shall delist a Token if the Listing Partner issuing the Token is declared bankrupt, is suspected to be on the verge of bankruptcy, files for bankruptcy, or if its value is declining due to technical errors/attacks, failed Token mechanisms, or other similar circumstances.

1.5 Other Reasons:

BuyUCoin maintains the right to delist any Token at its sole discretion for reasons not explicitly mentioned herein. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Failure to provide relevant information, reports, or data related to the Project/Token as requested by BuyUCoin.

  • Lack of quality development in the Project.

  • Breach of public trust by the Listing Partner or its key management personnel.

  • Conviction of the Listing Partner, its affiliates, or directors/key management for any criminal offense or offense involving moral turpitude.

  • Fraud or unethical behavior by the Listing Partner or its key management personnel.

  • Breach of any terms contained herein by the Listing Partner.

  • Loss of credibility or confidence of the community in the Token or Project.

  • Liquidity or technological issues faced by the Project or Token.

  • An adverse public image of the Token.

  • Changes in Applicable Laws or the laws of the jurisdiction where the Token is traded.

  • Breach of Listing Guidelines.

  • Breach of the Terms of Use by the Listing Partner.

  • Delisting by partner exchanges for reasons mentioned here or otherwise.

  • Implementation of new regulatory standards or compliance issues.

  • Compromise or defect in blockchain or related technology, halting the Token’s network.

  • Violation of third-party intellectual property rights.

  • Detection of other risks related to the Token listing.

2. Communication of Delisting:

BuyUCoin shall make reasonable efforts to notify you of any delisting event in advance.

3. User Options for Delisted Crypto:

To the extent feasible, you will have the opportunity to either sell the delisted Crypto using the Platform or transfer it to your blockchain wallet (subject to KYC, AML, and other policies). However, we do not guarantee that you will be permitted to transfer the delisted Crypto to your blockchain wallet, and under such circumstances, your sole option may be to sell the delisted Crypto.

4. Automatic Sale of Unsold Delisted Crypto:

If you do not sell the delisted Crypto within the timelines specified by us, you hereby irrevocably authorize us to sell the delisted Crypto in your User Account at the prevailing market rate. The equivalent INR amount (after deduction of applicable taxes) will then be credited to your User Account.

5. Liability Disclaimer:

We shall not be responsible or liable for any losses (including loss of opportunity or profits), damages, taxes, or other consequences arising from our decision to delist one or more Crypto assets, or from the sale of your delisted Crypto as provided herein. You hereby unconditionally, irrevocably, and fully waive all such rights and remedies against us.

6. Cancellation of Limit Orders:

You further agree that all existing limit orders not executed or canceled by you before the delisting date will be canceled by us on the delisting date.