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Check the Latest Price of Bitica Coin in India Today on BuyUcoin

Bitica Coin Price BDCC-INR

₹ 1.4

Current Price

Bitica Coin Price Chart in INR

  • Day
  • Week
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Last Price ▾ 0%

₹ 1.4

24h High

₹ 0 

24h Low

₹ 0

24h Vol

₹ 0


Instant Buy

Current Price of 1 BDCC = 600,000 INR
For 100 INR you will get = 0.00045 BDCC

Bitica Coin Price History in INR

  • Day
  • Week
  • Month
Time Price in INR Change in %
Time Price in INR Change in %
21-03-2024 ₹ 1.4 -6.67%
28-02-2024 ₹ 1.5 +650.00%
16-01-2024 ₹ 0.2 -41.18%
06-01-2024 ₹ 0.34 0
Time Price in INR Change in %
03-2024 ₹ 1.4 -6.67%
02-2024 ₹ 1.5 +435.71%
01-2024 ₹ 0.28 -66.27%
11-2022 ₹ 0.83 -44.30%
10-2022 ₹ 1.49 +40.57%
09-2022 ₹ 1.06 +37.66%
08-2022 ₹ 0.77 0

About Bitica Coin (BDCC)

Market Cap Rank


Created in 2018, Bitica Token (BDCC) is based on BEP-20 Smart Technology, owned by the Estonian Licensed Block Beats Company (the first country to legalise Cryptocurreny). There have been various cryptocurrencies & tokens created since then. As a combination of BDCC coin alternatives, these are commonly called bit coins. As compared to centralised electronic money / central banking structures, BDCC and its derivatives use decentralised power. Decentralized control is related to the use of the distributed feature of the bitcoin blockchain transaction ledger. At Bitica, we believe in financial freedom and economic independence through the BDCC coin, which is possible.

The founders of the BDCC Genesis company claim that their primary goal is to establish a community unified by a shared desire to learn how to handle advanced technologies that are transforming our normal reality more and more.

Bitica founder have built a powerful BITICA COIN platform based on advanced technology However, it is designed in such a way that every step taken by any user is user-friendly and does not require any special knowledge and skills.

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Bitica Coin (BDCC) Price Prediction

Bitica Coin Price Today in India is ₹ 1.4 with a 24-hour trading volume of ₹0. In the last 24 hours, BDCC-INR price has decreased by 0%. Bitica Coin CoinMarketCap rank is 358.

Bitica Coin price in India (BDCC to INR) in July 2020

In July 2020, the price of Bitica Coin was Rs. 1.17 INR and volume of Rs. 530.10 BDCC to INR According to Market Cap.

Bitica Coin price in India (BDCC to INR) in August 2020

In August 2020, the price of Bitica Coin boomed at Rs. 578.88 INR and volume of Rs. 7.830,989 BDCC to INR According to Coingecko.

Bitica Coin price in India (BDCC to INR) in Sept 2020

Starting In months September 2020, the price of Bitica Token was Rs. 870.62 INR and volume of Rs. 795,110,173 BDCC to INR.

Bitica Coin Features

Smart FinTech:- You have to know by now that BDCC TOKEN is a smart combination of technology and financial services. It involves the use of the most secure networking technologies available to date (blockchain) to allow financial services that are cost-effective, secure and reliable.

Instant Payment/Fund Transfer:- The platform has been developed to ensure fast and reliable payments. After approving the payment, the money is transferred instantly, regardless of the location or distance. A confirmation message for delivery is also received by the sender.

The payment transfer system is globally available. This means that you can transfer money to anyone, anywhere in the world, at any time. In addition, BDCC tokens could be used to purchase products online and offline, as well as other monetary and non-monetary transactions.

Usable:- The application can be used in a wide range of sectors and for any reason that includes sending / receiving money or making a transfer of funds. It can be used by corporations, entrepreneurs, customers, customers, online traders and more.

The use of the BDCC token and digital wallet is not limited to making payments. The use of the BDCC token and digital wallet is not limited to making payments. Users will also engage in the trading of crypto tokens in all leading exchanges using their wallet accounts. The token may also be traded for every other cryptocurrency and some physical currencies.

Safe and Secure:- One of the aspects Ethereum blockchain is known for is the stability of its network. The BDCC token is derived from the security function of the blockchain to allow safe and highly secure transactions. Any failed transaction is automatically returned to the sender.

Trustworthy:- We request for our users' privacy. The transactions of a specific user would be secure and private only to them, with the exception of certain security conditions, where we may need to check all transactions in order to find a mistake.

Applications & Usability:- In any supply chain system, BDCC TOKEN can be used to make consumer payments and approve payments by retailers on all types of service / product networks and stores, including:

Travel, hotel , restaurant, gateway solution for e-commerce payments, medical, pharmacy payment gateway, banking payments & transactions, recharge / payments, booking airlines, payment gateway for the agriculture sector, etc.

Futuristic Payment System:- One of the great things about BDCC TOKEN is that it is based on a futuristic idea that will never get old or obsolete-digital payments. This benefits the holders and buyers of the BDCC tokens tremendously as the returns are projected to be very tremendous.

Should I Buy Bitica Coin in India with BuyUcoin?

BuyUcoin users can buy and sell Bitica Coin through various payment methods we provide. It’s quick, simple, and safe. BuyUcoin is an exchange platform where consumers can swap digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Shiba Inu, Dogecoin and over 150 other cryptocurrencies. In addition, when you sign up, you will be rewarded with free Bitcoin worth INR 100.

BuyUcoin, which has over 1M+ registered users, provides a comprehensive range of options that allow users to buy, sell, trade and store cryptocurrencies at a low price in India. Start trading now to receive INR100 worth of free Bitica Coin after registering.


Instant Buy

Current Price of 1 BDCC = 600,000 INR
For 100 INR you will get = 0.00045 BDCC

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