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Check the Latest Price of Pivx in India Today on BuyUcoin

Pivx Price PIVX-INR

₹ 14.46

Current Price

Pivx Price Chart in INR

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Last Price ▾ -0.71%

₹ 14.46

24h High

₹ 14.71 

24h Low

₹ 14.38

24h Vol

₹ 155559072


Instant Buy

Current Price of 1 PIVX = 600,000 INR
For 100 INR you will get = 0.00045 PIVX

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Pivx Price History in INR

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About Pivx (PIVX)

Market Cap Rank


PIVX (Private Instant Verified Transaction) is a privacy-centric Proof-of-Stake cryptocurrency forked from DASH. The PIVX Manifesto focuses on community governance and a decentralized project from the technology itself to how project proposals are voted on and implemented. As the name implies, PIVX is attempting to build a usable digital means of exchange that is easy to spend privately and securely in everyday life. To this end, the main focuses of development are minimizing transaction times and fees while maintaining privacy and security. PIVX was launched on January 31, 2016, by two DASH community members.The founders admired the DASH technology but wanted to see some changes. They moved to a completely Proof-of-Stake system as opposed to DASH’s Proof-of-Work system and implemented what they saw as a fairer reward system that used a see-saw mechanism to auto-balance reward payouts .They saw privacy as a critical component of a daily means of exchange and set out to combine the “digital cash” ethos of DASH that prioritizes fast, cheap payments with more advanced privacy and anonymity. Their hope is to become the go-to payment method for peer-to-peer transactions and in-store exchanges.

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Pivx (PIVX) Price Prediction

Pivx Price Today in India is ₹ 14.46 with a 24-hour trading volume of ₹15,55,59,072. In the last 24 hours, PIVX-INR price has decreased by -0.71%. Pivx CoinMarketCap rank is 1262. The circulation supply of Pivx is 9,14,21,754.7339484PIVX coins, with maximum circulating supply being unlimited.

PIVX price in INR in 2017

On 1st September the PIVX price in India was INR 244.45 and then the PIVX price in Rupees moved downwards and closed the month sept, 2017 with PIVX to INR 210.25. PIVX began off at 260.46 INR on 1 December 2017 and it jumped up and reached at PIVX to INR 735.41 at the end of December 2017.

PIVX price in INR in 2018

On 1st January, 2018 PIVX began off with PIVX price at INR 682.85 and it plunged low and reached at PIVX to INR 495.83 on 31 January 2018. PIVX began off at PIVX to INR 528 on 1 February 2018 and again plunged down and closed the month Feb, 2018 with PIVX to INR 371.60. After February PIVX price slid back & saw a bullish trend for a very short span from 12th to 20th May, 2019 and kept plummeting till the end of the year and closed on 31st December, 2019 at INR 71.09.

Pivx price in INR in 2019

In the beginning, Pivx price in Inr was 59.39 and Pivx price reached maximum of 72.42 on 09th April, 2019 and by the end of the year on 31st December 2019 it slid back to INR 15.59.

Pivx price in INR in 2020

On 1st January 2020, PIVX price started with INR 15.55 and has reached Highest by far on 05th June, 2020 at INR 35.34. It saw bullish trend from 03rd February and 12th March, 2019 reaching the highest value at INR 32.85 and is recovering again.

Pivx price in INR in 2021

PIVX price in India today is ₹31.24 INR with a 24-hour trading volume of ₹419,394,820. PIVX price is up 1.1% in the last 24 hours. It has a circulating supply of 65 Million PIVX coins and a max supply of 65 Million. BuyUcoin is the current most active market trading it.

Pivx Features

Private Transactions:

Transactions can be conducted without others tracing back of your background , how much you have, and who you’re transacting with.

Instant Transactions

SwiftX technology allows PIVX to be used for point-of-sale situations where a locked payment is sent and confirmed 5 times in less than a second, while not being exposed to double spends that other cryptocurrencies are susceptible to.

Open Source

The source code can be read.


Erasing the history of each PIVX transaction before you spend it makes your PIVX just as valuable as anyone else’s.

Self funded

PIVX has it’s own fixed budget allocated for awarded proposals to maintain and improve the project, and is 100% self-sufficient.

Self governed

PIVX has a proposal and voting system that includes everyone who has PIVX who guides the further development and overall direction of the coin, guided by our Manifesto.

Low fees

Transaction fees are currently fractions of a penny, and can vary slightly depending on how quickly you want to send your transaction through the network. Due to the nature of PIVX block rewards and a self funded governance model, PIVX has no use for the transaction fees and instead burns these fees from existence. This is to the benefit of all PIVX holders as it effectively reduces the total PIVX coins supply.


PIVX has no central authority governing it. It is globally distributed and does not have a single point of failure.

Should I Buy Pivx in India with BuyUcoin?

BuyUcoin users can buy and sell Pivx through various payment methods we provide. It’s quick, simple, and safe. BuyUcoin is an exchange platform where consumers can swap digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Shiba Inu, Dogecoin and over 150 other cryptocurrencies. In addition, when you sign up, you will be rewarded with free Bitcoin worth INR 100.

BuyUcoin, which has over 1M+ registered users, provides a comprehensive range of options that allow users to buy, sell, trade and store cryptocurrencies at a low price in India. Start trading now to receive INR100 worth of free Pivx after registering.


Instant Buy

Current Price of 1 PIVX = 600,000 INR
For 100 INR you will get = 0.00045 PIVX

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