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Check the Latest Price of Uma Coin in India Today on BuyUcoin

Uma Coin Price UMA-INR

₹ 120.02

Current Price

Uma Coin Price Chart in INR

  • Day
  • Week
  • Month

Last Price ▲ 1.09 %

₹ 120.02

24h High

₹ 121.76 

24h Low

₹ 117.87

24h Vol

₹ 1632220019

1 UMA to INR

Instant Buy

Current Price of 1 UMA = 600,000 INR
For 100 INR you will get = 0.00045 UMA

Uma Coin Price History in INR

  • Day
  • Week
  • Month
Time Price in INR Change in %
25-03-2025 ₹ 125.65 +0.13%
24-03-2025 ₹ 125.49 -0.51%
23-03-2025 ₹ 126.13 +9.03%
22-03-2025 ₹ 115.684 +2.38%
21-03-2025 ₹ 113 -2.67%
20-03-2025 ₹ 116.1 -0.56%
19-03-2025 ₹ 116.75 0
Time Price in INR Change in %
25-03-2025 ₹ 125.757 +11.38%
22-03-2025 ₹ 112.912 +8.11%
15-03-2025 ₹ 104.443 -14.65%
08-03-2025 ₹ 122.37 -9.83%
01-03-2025 ₹ 135.704 -6.94%
22-02-2025 ₹ 145.823 +1.36%
15-02-2025 ₹ 143.868 0
Time Price in INR Change in %
03-2025 ₹ 115.494 -21.18%
02-2025 ₹ 146.533 -35.18%
01-2025 ₹ 226.048 -18.27%
12-2024 ₹ 276.572 +28.76%
11-2024 ₹ 214.804 -7.75%
10-2024 ₹ 232.861 +18.36%
09-2024 ₹ 196.737 0

About Uma Coin (UMA)

Market Cap Rank


UMA Coin is a protocol based on Ethereum, which enables users to generate a custom collateralized cryptocurrency tokens that track the price of practically everything. UMA is short for universal market access.

UMA allows you to exchange assets with ERC-20 tokens without being exposed to the asset itself. In plain English. This enables someone to become open to assets otherwise inaccessible. The tokens for UMA cryptocurrency are used for protocol governance and pricing.

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Uma Coin (UMA) Price Prediction

Uma Coin Price Today in India is ₹ 120.02 with a 24-hour trading volume of ₹1,63,22,20,019. In the last 24 hours, UMA-INR price has increased by 1.09%. Uma Coin CoinMarketCap rank is 399. The circulation supply of Uma Coin is 8,60,04,796.73510723UMA coins, with maximum circulating supply being unlimited.

UMA coin Price in India (UMA to INR) in 2020

From March 2020, the price slowly increased from 90 INR and became dominant in the month of June where the price progressed three folded and the all-time high was recorded to be 1,828 INR on September 2.

UMA coin Price in India (UMA to INR) in 2021

The price of the UMA coin was in the range of 600 - 800 INR throughout January 2021. The price of UMA coin increased dramatically in the first week and recorded a peak all-time high of 2,423 INR on February 5.

Uma Coin Features

Unrestricted Access to All Financial Markets

This benefits all market participants through UMA contracts. You make You Anyone buying or selling exposure on a given financial asset—participants on the market are constrained by only the pricing of marketers.

DAO and Smart Contract Access to Financial Markets

Another, theoretically slightly more flexible approach is UMA contracts: The smart contract becomes just one of the derivative agreements' counterparties.

Unrestricted Access to Short Selling

This limitation is eliminated by UMA contracts. This allows stronger markets: fundamental markets more market participants share their economic theory openly deeper, more competitive markets are to be generated in consumer expectations.

Unrestricted Access to Leverage

Centralized busses and OTC market makers historically treated as a kind of loan have been leveraging only for reputed and trusted partners. Unlike its credit rating or prestige, UMA contracts extend power to all other parties.

Unrestricted Access to Customized, Bespoke Risk

UMA's contracts change that and empower anyone to give a financial contract in any market globally that exactly matches their personal financial circumstances.

Should I Buy Uma Coin in India with BuyUcoin?

BuyUcoin users can buy and sell Uma Coin through various payment methods we provide. It’s quick, simple, and safe. BuyUcoin is an exchange platform where consumers can swap digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Shiba Inu, Dogecoin and over 150 other cryptocurrencies. In addition, when you sign up, you will be rewarded with free Bitcoin worth INR 100.

BuyUcoin, which has over 1M+ registered users, provides a comprehensive range of options that allow users to buy, sell, trade and store cryptocurrencies at a low price in India. Start trading now to receive INR100 worth of free Uma Coin after registering.

1 UMA to INR

Instant Buy

Current Price of 1 UMA = 600,000 INR
For 100 INR you will get = 0.00045 UMA

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